Looking Back!
I really find it hard to write the first line. So many ideas get killed in search of THAT first perfect line. Well, what stays in this search of first perfect line is that I get in touch with many faces of my life.
Moments in which I'm stubborn, moments in which I'm caring and loving and times when I'm just carefree. Depending upon in which mood I pick up pen or put my hands on keyboard, I discover the feelings I have coupled with words resting in my head.
So here's a throwback to my various moods:
1. कभी कभी - when you know it's important to fix the mistake you've done in past. My first poem on the blog. ( Well , I regret not putting all my poems on blog. At times I feel my words might get envy with those words which find there place in articulation of ideas)
2. हदें - I tried to comprehend the pain of a dying lover.
3. अधूरे - Finding love in separation.
4. यूँ भी हुआ कभी - When I felt lonely in a party in deafening dhik-chik dhick-chick music.
5. उलझनें - Well everybody has some.
6. बंदेया - ... because god loves everyone.
7. मुख़्तसर - when you want people to not be so prude.
8. ख्वाहिशें - where it all begins
9. एक हमसफ़र की तलाश - किसी रोज़ तुमसे मुलाकात होगी।
10. आहटें - love and heartache , both makes noise.
11. माँ - I still do not have enough words to describe the feeling of love and gratitude that I have for my mother.
12. हमारी गुफ्तगू - Love knows no boundary. Well the couple for whom it was inspired is married now.
13. इख्लास - Nothing like a journey to find the almighty.
14. शिकायतें - When you complain to your loved ones.
15. इश्क़ - when you fell in love.
16. इश्क़ 2 - Not everyone who sees it can feel it.
17. इश्क़ 3 - when you part ways.
18. इश्क़ 4 - because no one can understand love by just writing poems.
19. इश्क़ 5 - when you get married to strangers.
20. मेरी कहानी - because world is judging you. Also I decided to switch to hindi font.
21. समग्रता - who doesn't understand politics get played by it.
22. You and I - Because together we make the world go round.
23. Whistles - Going through a bad time, just whistle.
24. सड़क - Parents give thrust required to achieve success.
25. कांच की गुड़िया - Gender should not decide lifestyle and goals.
26. आईना - the person you were once, misses you.
27. रूह - When breathes greet the soul.
28. गुल्लक - what remains when you leave the loved ones behind.
29. कागज़ की नाव - revisiting those days when paperboats could take you anywhere.
30. इत्तेफ़ाक़ - The essence of true love.
31. मुलाकातें - Keeps the relation alive.
32. मंथन - A little self-introspection never hurt anybody.
33. संलाप - Conversation which matters.
34. ज़ख्म - Rise of a new revolution.
Stay tuned for more ;)