We keep running; we make schedules; we make appointments;
we pre-pone; we postpone; we plan!
Job, salary, flat and a car have become the most searched
“precious” possessions of one’s life and people are succeeding in nailing it.
Though there are few honest people left in
this world who agree and complain in one statement, “Ab wo baat kanha”!!
How true is that!!
Remember the time when we were loaded with holiday
homework but still we used to skip it whole summer and do it at the last moment
just to play silly games to be with our family and friends.
I mean, of course, how can these corporate deadlines be
pushed away now and that too for family and friends? It’s unprofessional! How chunks
of life can be sewed now? It is complicated after all!!
The morsels of food have become nonchalant but still it’s
inoperable to make a call to the lady who has stuffed you her whole life.
Memories have just become weekly status update.
Silences are traced and foundations of life are being changed
Fairs are taken over by Malls; Manners are over driven by
the channels; scratches have become lesions; aesthesia has turned into plain condolences.
All we can do is to move with the FLOW???
We can take out a handkerchief and wipe our faces but not
existences. We can skip “something” of this life to re-achieve what has been missing
since ages without fooling ourselves.
Those smiles, chats, food, fairs, dance, games, songs,
hugs and togetherness may probably end these tossings of sleepless nights.
may fade away by burning these dried leaves and may also add few days to this,
year by year, ending life.
Choice has always been ours!!
Mirages are not worth running for!
Copyright, © Jayendra Dubey, 16th May
, 2013
Image Copyright, © Manish Goel, 2nd April, 2013