Vande Matram

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Let us all do one thing first. Let us all tell everyone that how secure is our economy and we'll also tell everyone that there is no discrimination in our country. Let us, state and mention everywhere that we are Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and do not differ and hesitate in providing justice, liberty and equality to our people.

Let us tell everyone that here women are not raped. We don’t steal anything. We pay taxes on time. We speak against wrong. We believe in education.  Let us tell everyone that how much respect we have for fundamentals of our society especially for its elder and younger parts. Let us tell everyone that we don’t believe in jaat-paat at all. Let us tell everyone we deserve better. Let us all tell this world that we respect our history and we do not even ever think of abusing our motherland.

And when all the Bol-Bachhan is done let us get drunk and go out to rape girls. Then lets us snatch jewelleries from people. Then let us provide cheap food to royal people and cell-phones to people bellow poverty line. Let us all, black tickets, whistle on Salman ke dialogues and then let us tell everyone how hero-giri has screwed this nation.

Let us all give that chota-babu some nashta-pani because then we don’t have to waste our time in ‘no-working’ zone office. Then we can also watch porn anywhere and can fight over cartoons at the same time and then we also have full authority to abuse maa-behen to anyone as loudly as possible anywhere in this country.

We can fight over what has been done in history and we also have privilege to forget about lives given by our revolutionaries and soldiers on border because it doesn’t matter at all till we can pee and live.

Let us blame our government for not supporting any other sports and then let us watch cricket and meanwhile also accuse our athletes for not getting us gold because we already get so much gold in dowries. Let us praise all the channels for showing such patriotic shows. Let us praise our children for their patriotism for putting a flag tattoo on their face or shirt on national days or say holidays. Plus let us also not forget to blame government for everything we can think of.

Let us tell everyone how pussy others are for not speaking against crime and when our neighbors are being beaten by goons or are being troubled by big-shots then let us all talk about world peace and preach what Buddha and Gandhi has said about peace, forgiving, forgetting and moving forward and ask “biscuit nahi hai kya?”.

When all the above is done then let us all go to a baba asking him to help us with all the tantra-mantra he knows and also feel free and obliged to give daans in lakhs and crores.

Let us leave all the things bhagwan bharose and say “is desh ka kuch nhi ho sakta.”

P.S. Don’t forget to sell your vote and self-esteem for a bottle of daru, piece of cloth, caste-creed and now, cell-phones.

Copyright,  © Jayendra Dubey, 09th August , 2012


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