Preamble |
No, its not an acronym for United States. It's a word which is used to portray the collectives of people.
Very often, the need is this "us" is showcased by a single representative from 'us'. And also the term 'us' is, oftenly, interchangeably used by the term 'Indians'.
This land of Indus was called 'Indoi' by the Greeks and later when Europeans arrived it became India. Romans are also believed to call this land as 'India'.
So since the time immemorial this 'plural first person' is being addressed by a lot of names.
In modern times, when we Millenials have started occupying more space in the pie chart of population representation, the 'us' is also being used as sample space.
A sample size of people who use social media, people who prefer 'Party A' over 'Party B', people who are full of fears. Fear of other's religion, culture, language, belief because, interestingly, one may get tired of their religion, but fear, fear sprouts from other's religion, culture, language and belief.
Why this 'us' is being talked about so much?
Well, it is being done since primordial times. But recently this 'us' is being used to create more 'us'. This 'us' is being used to put 'us' against 'us'.
Thousand of years ago this 'us' created God to worship God's creation. Now this 'us' is creating pseudo-gods. Pseudo-gods who can't be questioned, who can't be challenged. This sample space of 'us' is being used by pseudo-gods.
Whenever I'm on Facebook and I stumble upon a page during my wanderings and if I find that such particular page is liked by a friend of mine, then I can tell what kind of information that page is providing because I know what kind of news my friends or family is consuming. Apparently we all are consuming news as per our belief and also how much propaganda of pseudo-gods can reach us.
Imagine such data being crunched by Multinationals or think tanks for such pseudo-gods, who have the resources and medium to propagate their agenda. Imagine the amount of 'us' they can create from this sample space.
The only way to remain sane and serene is to be 'United us' because 'united us' can have what a group of 'us' cannot have. And to be 'united us', we'll have to leave our religious or lingual or gender or political differences behind. Our actions should contribute to the signs of progressive state.
Another question to be understood is that whether we are prone to hatred or we allow ourselves to welcome hatred?
©Jayendra Dubey.