I'm not funny, I'm Scared or Angry or Both.
A lot of stuffs are being said about freedom of speech these
days. We, undoubtedly, are free to express ourselves. But meanwhile when we are
expressing ourselves we are also constructing new social parameters.
When I sit down to write I don’t have much to think except
the fact that I have certain ideas in my minds. And when I start developing
those ideas I, honestly, get into some different world or dimension. Certain
characters are born who have their own identity, their own style of doing or saying
a thing. But I’m sure if a gun is pointed on my head and I’m asked to write
then I’ll definitely be writing to please or to defend myself.
Same thing happens in our daily life. When we are with our
friends we use words that really express our un-humble or un-kind intentions. I
don’t know a single person in this world who hasn't cussed in front of his
friends. But when we are at each other’s home we certainly don’t use the
language we generally use.
This shows the twofold of a society. Where you are free and
bounded by assertive boundaries at the same time. It’s probably hypocrisy in
its infant form. But it can also be tagged as one’s social responsibility. There’s
a very fine line between these two.
The line which exists between these two is actually whether
our society is ready for it or not? We could have been a democratic society
hundreds of years ago but were we? Our leaders tried their best for us. They
didn't gift wrapped freedom and just gave it to us like that. We fought, we struggled
and many of our leaders died to preserve this idea of FREEDOM before we, actually,
could get it. We must defend this freedom.
What happened at Charlie Hebdo was really unfortunate but I
also witnessed few people on Facebook who justified the act. Now there’s a very
big dilemma in this scenario. Freedom of Speech led to the death of 11 people.
A video is taken down from the internet because it was
obscene. Even MANTO Saab was charged of obscenity nine times during his life
It’s not at all about religion. It’s not at all about our
social securities. I’m a very small person to say this but it’s definitely about our insecurities.
It’s about our own doubt on our own existence.
We blame people who are seen speaking of things which we
want to ignore silently. Kyunki Bhaia if they wouldn't have been saying,
writing or singing or drawing about it then it wouldn't be occurring in our
society. They are responsible for the damage of this society because they are propagating
these obscene ideas openly through their platforms.
A bullet can actually erase the marks of ink but can it
erase the blood?
This Bullet is used to diminish the line of difference between
social responsibilities and Hypocrisy.
People who talk about insecurities are probably the people who
are mature. Mature enough to joke, write, draw or speak about things that
society as a whole doesn't want to talk of.
When society will become mature enough to understand it then
it’ll accept everything by itself without being undisturbed. Everything transforms and if you think that cusses shouldn't exist in public then thank you so much for taking a notice on it through any form of art which offended you. Everything must go through a censor and everyone is equal before the law.
But before censoring or getting offended we must also see what is it in reference to.I agree that the way to achieve something good must also be good. But at the same time bad can also not be depicted in a good way. (I'm not talking about anyone's sexuality, color or anything remotely related to his/her personal choice or anything that is the part of his existence. It's kind of disclaimer, I don't know people understand it these days or not )
And when I say mature
it doesn't mean being liberal to things that should not exist but when to
exercise discretion at the right time to avoid wrong things because hiding it
won’t make it disappear.
Nothing is sacrosanct.